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Scoliosis Disease Symptoms: Scoliosis symptoms, which are not obvious in the early period, may cause different health problems in the future; Bending the spine to the right or left side Visible curvature of the spine Asymmetry in the shoulders and hips Difficulty standing upright Problems in walking Back, waist and shoulder pain. Scoliosis treatment: In the treatment of scoliosis, observation, corset treatment, physical therapy and surgical operation are applied. Scoliosis physical therapy applications and surgical operation are especially suitable for adults and more severe cases.

Scoliosis surgery

Spine stabilizing operations are usually performed in adults who have completed their development. spinal fusion: It is the process of using metal rods, wires, and screws, as well as bones taken from a part of the body of the patients, to correct the curvature of the spine.

The recovery period after scoliosis surgery takes longer than other operations. The patients, who are kept under surveillance for the first week, can return to their daily life within 1 month, and they can engage in sports activities from the 3rd month.

What is Scoliosis (Spine Curvature)?

Deformities and lateral curvatures in the waist and chest regions of the spine are the answer to the question of what scoliosis is. Curvature of the spine, which is an orthopaedic disorder, can occur alone or together with kyphosis or humpback. Congenital or acquired scoliosis can also be caused by vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, spinal injuries, infections, and hereditary factors.

Knee Replacement Surgery Procedure

Knee replacement, also called knee arthroplasty or total knee replacement, is a surgical procedure to resurface a knee damaged by arthritis. Metal and plastic parts are used to cap the ends of the bones that form the knee joint, along with the kneecap. This surgery may be considered for someone who has severe arthritis or a severe knee injury.

Hip Replacement

Prostheses are basically applications made to correct the functions of a deteriorated joint. Prostheses can be applied to any part of the body that has joints. Hips, knees, shoulders, and ankles are the leading ones. With the detailed examination of patients with complaints such as pain and limitation of movement caused by some rheumatic diseases that disrupt the cartilage, previous traumas, genetic-induced deterioration in knee and hip joints, and subsequent imaging and examinations, prosthesis can be applied to anyone in suitable conditions.