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Dental health is an integral part of our overall health. In addition to having healthy teeth, it's also important for our gums to be in good condition. Periodontology is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gum diseases.

Gum diseases encompass conditions that start with gum infections and can progress to damage the gums, teeth, and supporting tissues. Periodontologists diagnose these diseases, apply appropriate treatments, and educate patients about maintaining periodontal health.

Before beginning periodontal treatment, a periodontologist evaluates the patient's oral health. Factors such as the condition of the gums, gum pockets, bone loss, and the degree of tooth mobility are examined. Additionally, radiographic images and other tests are used to determine the prevalence and severity of periodontal disease.

The fundamental step in periodontal treatment is the removal of plaque and tartar buildup within gum pockets. This process supports gum health by eliminating bacteria and infections around the teeth. Scaling involves cleaning the surfaces of the teeth using specialized dental instruments.

If periodontal disease has advanced, rough spots and protrusions can develop on tooth roots. Root planing smoothens these rough areas, allowing the gums to reattach to the teeth in a healthy manner.

In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary due to the progression of periodontal disease. Surgical procedures can aim to reduce the depth of gum pockets, perform bone grafts, or place implants. These procedures help regain periodontal health and control gum diseases.

As periodontal diseases progress, the supportive tissues of the teeth can also be damaged. Periodontal treatment facilitates the restoration of bone and gum tissues that support the teeth.

Since healthy gums are a crucial element of an aesthetic smile, periodontal treatment also yields positive aesthetic results. A beautiful smile is achieved with regular and healthy gums.

Periodontal diseases can have negative effects on overall health. Periodontology treatment contributes to the improvement of general health by managing gum diseases.

Periodontology treatment aims to enhance gum health, support teeth, achieve an aesthetic smile, and improve overall health. For individuals experiencing gum issues, periodontology treatment provides a healthy mouth and a better quality of life.

If you're interested in receiving consultancy services about periodontology treatments, feel free to reach out to us at Edwin Health. We can provide you with a personalized travel plan tailored to your needs and offer comfortable accommodation options at the best prices. We're here to assist you and provide you with an unforgettable travel experience.